I was searching for the meaning of something the other day, quilting has so many "terms" and although my husband would insist that I speak it fluently, I am sometimes stumped by a term on a blog or pattern. Anyway, I found what I was looking for but in the meantime I came across these while searching. It's a fun list of "Vital" Quilting Acronyms from the The Quilters Club of America .........I think I need to adopt some of these, they're fun!
BDNQ - Bad Day Not Quilting
CAT - Creating Artistic Treasures
COP - Creative Ongoing Project
DOG - Deciding Ongoing Gem
FART - Fabric Aquisition Road Trip
FIU - Finish It Up
FUN - Fabricating UNlimited
HSY - Haven't Started Yet
PEBCAK - Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
PEBSMAQ - Problem Exists Between Sewing Machine And Quilter
PHD - Project Half Done (as in, "I'm working on my PHD")
PIGS - Projects in Grocery Sacks
QFH - Quilt from Hell
RUF - Really Ugly Fabric
SABLE - Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy
SEX - Stash Enhancing eXperience
STASH - Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden
SQ - Stupid Quilt
SQUID - Sewing a Quilt Until I Die
UFO - UnFinished Object (unfinished quilt)
TGIF - Thank God It's Finished!
WHIMM - Works Hidden In My Mind
WIP - Work In Progress
WISP - Work In Slow Progress
WIVSP - Work In Very Slow Progress
WIWMI - Wish It Would Make Itself
WOMBAT - Waste of Money, Batting, and Time